#bloganuary 28: Playlist

Todays prompt is: ‘What is on your music playlist right now?’

This is a prompt I really don’t feel like writing about today. I’m just not feeling that creative this morning so this will probably be done in little bits through the day. I haven’t been listening to new music recently and that’s a shame as it’s something I love and it means there’s not much to talk about.

These days when I’m writing or reading on the computer I tend to find it easier to concentrate with silence. I used to have music on all the time in the past and I don’t really know why that’s changed. I don’t really use playlists, I’ve never really got into them. The only playlist I have at the moment is on my phone and it’s only got one thing on in that I was listening to while out running last night. This is it:

The Monstercat podcasts are a guilty pleasure for me. It’s easy to just put on the next podcast even though I think I should really listen to something more intellectual. I picked up the ‘Three Tenors’ album quite a while ago for example with every intention of playing it and maybe learning to like it but I haven’t yet. After that I’ve got Carl Orff ‘Carmina Burana’ to listen to eventually. For now though it’s the newest Monstercat ‘Call Of The Wild’ podcast on the speakers.

Daily prompts by Bloganuary from WordPress: https://bloganuary.wordpress.com/2021/12/14/welcome-to-bloganuary/